Oktober 27, 2012

Amazing Alex - Meet the Amazing Alex! This is a clever guy has boundless imagination and a house full of fun toys that can turn any event into a real adventure! 
Alex makes the amazing chain reactions, trying to make them look as impressive - from harvesting the room and ending the battle of cardboard robots in the backyard! He has several tasks for you - and he wants to look at your most creative ideas! 
Already available in the Amazing Alex about 100 different levels and 36 different items for the task. Also, if you also matures craving for this kind of adventure, the game has an opportunity to create their own levels and share them with friends and other players. 
Bright graphics and interesting gameplay is an advantage of the new project of Rovio.

Amazing Alex
Amazing Alex

Regards Admin Dades Nugroho
Follow @GalYoungers

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